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International Politics

Date: 2023-04-25ClickTimes:

International Politics

Educational System: Four-Year System

Degree awarded: Bachelor of Law


Educational Objectives:

Based on the multidisciplinary advantages of economics, management, and political science, the program emphasizes the political economy analysis of issues such as finance, trade, investment, development, security, and strategy, and adopts an integrated approach to general and specialized education. The program aims to cultivate students' reading awareness, exploratory ability, humanistic spirit, theoretical knowledge, and professional skills, with an emphasis on classic readings and practical teaching. Starting from the second year, the program focuses on developing students' professional qualities, academic literacy, and innovation ability.


Major courses:

Principles of Management, Principles of Political Science, Public Administration, World Economic History, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, History of International Relations, Contemporary International Relations, Research Methods in Political Science, Introduction to Diplomacy, Introduction to Western Political Philosophy, Global Political Economy, Contemporary Chinese Government and Politics, Economic Diplomacy, Western International Relations Theory, Regional Politics and Economy, Introduction to International Organizations, Introduction to International Law, Professional Foreign Language, Introduction to Chinese Political Philosophy, Contemporary Chinese Diplomacy, and others.