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Urban Governance

Date: 2023-04-25ClickTimes:

Urban Governance

Educational System: Four-Year System

Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Management


Educational Objectives:

Compared with traditional urban and rural planning and municipal management, Urban Governance focuses more on the comprehensive analysis and decision-making, strategic planning, refined management schemes and policy design, urban renewal development and operation, and intelligent city governance required for the sustainable development of key urban areas such as the economy, society, land, transportation, housing, and environment. The program provides students with excellent professional knowledge and practical skills, and each semester includes practical teaching to enhance students' practical application ability.


Major Courses:

Introduction to Urban Management, Urban Planning, GIS and Spatial Econometrics, Urban Economics, Regional Economics, Urban and Regional Policies, Urban Development Strategy and Management, Urban Industrial Policies, Urban Branding and Marketing, Urban Land and Housing Management, Smart City and Big Data Applications, Urban Finance, Urban Development and Investment, Basic Urban Design, Globalization and Chinese Urban Development, etc.